Digital Storytelling for Participatory Adult Learning –DigiTales is an Erasmus+ project that runs from March 2022 until September 2023. Digital storytelling is a simple and creative way to express a personal story in a digital way. Its use is quite popular in the education of children and youth, is not as much used in the non-formal adult sector of education. Due to its digital nature, this method is easily accessible, does not require prior learning and it can be easily accessible to any age and culturally diverse populations.

Who provide support to adult learners in various contexts and activities, according to the EC's Digital Competences Framework and Digital Storytelling methods
That assist educators and students in making effective, imaginative, and collaborative use of digital technologies
To track the development of adult learners in certain areas, such as the articulation of knowledge and information in digital settings, or to assess the success of adult learning policies.
Of the responsible and educational use of digital technology

Activity Detail One

Activity Detail Two